

  • The Death of a Dream: Part 2

    The election of 2024 is a testament to the failure of character and commitment by Americans both educated and uneducated, the ultimate consequence of their psycho-emotional estrangement from themselves. Of course, they were fertile ground for the lies that allayed their fears. The fear enabled them to buy into a financial pipe dream. The fear…

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  • Constitution

    The Death of a Dream: Part 1

    Shortly after the election this month, I read about our national mourning. The article aptly asserted that millions of Americans had experienced a death: the death of a dream. The writer was referring to the emotional devastation so many were feeling about their candidate’s loss. It had been unthinkable in view of the seemingly unprecedented…

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  • Threat

    I used to have a friend. I knew him for more than 25 years. We didn’t always agree on everything, but we had a kind of shared history. We lived through key life experiences at roughly the same times. As we drifted deeper into adulthood, our experiences diverged, but we would come back together time…

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  • Election Day with the Antichrist

    Antichrist, we hardly knew you. We thought we did. What silly kids we were. In the 80s, the Antichrist was one guy who we heard tell was soon to “walk the Earth.” Metalhead kids everywhere used the concepts of Satan and the Antichrist to taunt their parents. It was harmless fantasy. Most of the people…

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